Coffs Harbour Golf Camp April 2017
On the weekend of the 29th & 30th April 2017 WGCNC hosted its first golf camp for the year for junior girls in the region to develop their game of golf.
We had nine attend the camp which included 5 beginners and two boys.
As the numbers were low leading up to the camp, I allowed Sawtell & Coffs Harbour to invite some boys to participate, not only to try and boost numbers but just to encourage junior golf in the area as it appears to be really struggling.
We also ran an article in the local paper the week prior to promote the event. The two boys blended in with the girls and were most appreciative of being given the opportunity to participate.
Local golf professional Brendan Barnes (Sawtell) & Golf Trainee Brandon Connor (Coffs Harbour) provided coaching on both the Saturday & Sunday.
The morning session consisted of a welcome & introduction followed by stretching, warming up exercises and some skilled based games to relax everyone.
This is where our prepared agenda was amended by the girls! As they were comfortable with the coaches they asked for specific assistance with their swings and long games. While Brendan assisted the more advanced girls, Brandon gave more basic coaching with our beginners.
After lunch we then split into two groups and had bunker, chipping coaching and practice. To finish the day we moved to the putting area to play some skilled based games as there had been a lot to take in during the course of the day.
Our night activity was organised at Club 300 Bowling Centre for bowling & pizza.
This was fantastic and all the girls & our 2 boys appeared to really enjoy the evening and interacted well together. Parents also joined in for a game.
Sunday morning we again gathered at Coffs Harbour Golf Club for breakfast prior to more coaching. We started on the range for more swing practice and some chipping games before utilizing a hole behind the range to look at trouble shots and hazards. This proved to be an important session which then lead to rules and etiquette.
After lunch we headed back to the putting area for tuition and practice drills.
To finalise the day, our beginners headed home (they were exhausted); our more advanced girls completed some skills tests.
All participants were presented with a Certificate and gift for participating in the camp.
Again the camp would not run successfully without the commitment of WGCNC, JNJG and coaches for which the girls and their parents are very grateful.
I would also like to thank Coffs Harbour Golf Club for their assistance in organising this camp and a local supporter – Norco for drinks supplied.
Preparation for our next camp at Port Macquarie on the 29 & 30 July 2017 will be finalised over the next few weeks.
C Robinson
WGCNC – Co-ordinator Junior Girls