WGCNC Junior & Cadet Order of Merit Rules: 

WGCNC are conducting an “Order of Merit” competition in 2020. The competition will be open to junior girl players registered with any CNC District club at the time each Junior & Cadet Open Day is conducted.

Each Junior girl participant (with an AWGU handicap) in a Junior Open Day will be allocated points based on:

(a) Participation 1 point.

(b) Gross Score 7 points to the winner, 5 points to the 1st R/Up and 3 points to the 2nd R/Up.

(c) Net Score 7 points to the winner, 5 points to the 1st R/Up and 3 points to the 2nd R/Up.

Each Cadet participant (Girls playing 9 hole events) in a Cadet Open Day will be allocated points based on

(a) Participation 1 point.

(b) Gross Score 7 points to the winner, 5 points to the 1st R/Up and 3 points to the 2nd R/Up.

(c) Net Score 7 points to the winner, 5 points to the 1st R/Up and 3 points to the 2nd R/Up.

Prizes will be awarded on the basis of the CUMULATIVE points accumulated throughout the 2020 year.
Prize categories are as follows:

Junior Girls:                                               Junior Girl Cadets:
Gross Winner – $100.00                           Gross Winner – $ 75.00
Gross Runner up-  $ 50.00                      Gross Runner Up – $ 50.00
Net Winner – $100.00                               Net Winner – $ 75.00
Net Runner up – $ 50.00                          Net Runner Up – $ 50.00

Prizes of $50 (Juniors) and $25 (Cadets) each will also be awarded for:

Most Improved – Highest reduction in handicap – minimum 40% of events conducted.

Most Enthusiastic Participant – Attends a minimum of 70% of events

Rules of competition

1. WGCNC Junior golfers must have an AWGU handicap and be Under 18 years of age at the time of each event.

2. WGCNC Junior golfers who have their 18th birthday during the Order of Merit year will accumulate Junior Order of Merit points until their 18th birthday but from the next Order of Merit competition after their 18th birthday they will be classified as Colts or Fillies.

3. WGCNC Cadet golfers must be a registered player at their home course with a handicap allocated/approved by their home course Cadet / Junior Coordinator. Maximum handicap for each Girl Cadet event will be 45.

4. Only one event will be conducted for each category of competition on each Junior Open Day.I.e. on occasions where the competition is separated into “age group” or “handicap” divisions, the Order of Merit Competition will disregard these divisions and allocate Order of Merit points based on one single Junior Girl event.

5. WGCNC Order of Merit Competition will run during the calendar year 2020 and final Order of Merit point tallies will be determined after the last CNC Junior Open Day is held in 2020.

6. Junior and Cadet Golfers will only be awarded one prize in the event they conduct. I.e. the Gross Winner in any event will not be entitled to a Net Winner prize as well.

WGCNC Junior Co-ordinator Catherine Robinson will co-ordinate the Order of Merit Competition.

Contact Details:   Catherine Robinson
20 Moseley Drive Boambee East NSW 2452
Ph: (02) 6658 3512  Mobile: 0418 406 444   Email: robbosc@esc.net.au