The calendar has been updated for the 2023 year.  As flyers and information sheets are issued these will be posted onto the calendar.  The first three events are Sawtell, Coffs Harbour and Nambucca Heads.

An Invitation is extended to all Lady Committee Members of Clubs in the Central North Coast District to play in our   COMMITTEE GOLF DAY – at Wauchope.

Hosted by the CNC District Committee  FOUR PERSON TEAM EVENT

A draw for partners will be done once nominations have been received.   Please find a replacement player should a committee person not be available. Sunday 5th March 2023 – 9.00am Shotgun Start

ENTRY FEE:   $25.00 (Covers golf and lunch)

Nominations Close:  Friday 17th February 2023.  This is a unique opportunity for you to meet and greet those who hold Committee positions at other Clubs.

 All Cart Bookings at Pro Shop –   Ph: 6585 3885     Hire:  $34.00

Private carts are welcome; however, a $10.00 fee will be payable at the Pro Shop. Please advise if you are willing to share your cart.(WS)