“It was an amazing week for the 4 north coast golfers, Brendan and myself playing 3 rounds of competition and the last day a 4BBB with the sponsors and partners at the Adelaide Shores Golf Course.
Brendan was also presented his Coach of the year award at the closing ceremony with approx. 5000 people present.”
Kate Pollard (Vice Chair/ Sports Coordinator) North Coast Special Olympics


The results were as follows:
Level 5 – Division 1
Overall Gross Winner with 10 over off the stick – Cameron Pollard playing off a handicap of 4
Bronze in the Nett Event – Cameron Pollard

Level 5 – Division 3
Silver Medal – Joshua Ives playing off a handicap of 20

Level 5 – Division 3
Bronze Medal – Jordan Davis playing off a handicap of 29

Level 4 – Ladies
Bronze Medal – Cara Reeves